When you’re already juggling one kid—and everything else in life—it can be hard to remember to put on your pants before leaving the house, let alone figure out if you are ready to add another little one to the craziness. So, as a mother of two, I thought I would help those on the fence about having a second baby by lending my wisdom with this can’t-fail guide:
Top 10 Signs You Are Ready to Have Baby #2
10. You find yourself clutching your child’s outgrown newborn clothes and crying, “I wish I knew how to quit you!”
9. You reflect on your first childbirth experience and shrug, “You know, maybe being in labor for 48 hours wasn’t so bad, after all.”
8. You decide you are too well-rested.
7. You can’t help but run up to new parents and take a whiff of their baby, just to savor that delicious “new baby smell.” Even when they threaten to call the cops.
6. You start dressing the dog in “Little Brother” onesies.
5. You lustily ogle three-row minivans.
4. You don’t have any desire to try hip, new restaurants or partake in fine dining (without embarrassment). Restaurants that serve crayons with the meal are the best.
3. You have already picked out names for baby #2. And set up e-mail and Twitter accounts.
2. You throw toys on the floor and declare, “The house isn’t cluttered enough!”
1. You never stopped wearing your maternity pants, anyway.
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