#1 – When you’ve got morning sickness:
#2 – When you’re trying to act totally normal, but you just peed your pants a little:
#3 – When someone catches you eating all the ice cream in the middle of the night:
#4 – When you step on the scale at your prenatal appointment:
#5 – When you wake up after another restless night:

#6 – When somebody asks if you’re carrying twins:
#7 – When pregnancy has got you feeling swollen like:
#8 – When you’re going nuts ’cause you can’t find a baby name:

#9 – When you realize you have no control over your flatulence:
#10 – When you sit down and you can’t get up:
#11 – When the constipation hits you:
#12 – When a stranger asks if they can touch your belly:
#13 – When the pregnancy hormones kick in:
#14 – When you feel your baby kick at the beginning of the second trimester:
#15 – When you don’t feel the baby kick for a while at end of the third trimester:

#16 – When you discover your husband has eaten the last… anything:
#17 – When you’ve grown more body hair than you were expecting:
#18 – When you feel like crap, but still want to show off how big your boobs have gotten:
#19 – When you’re about to do the glucose test:
#20 – When you realize you can’t see your feet anymore:
#21 – When you wake up sweating in the middle of the night:
#22 – When you’re waiting… and waiting… for that baby to come out:
#23 – When your partner sees you go into labor:
#24 – And when they’re trying to help get you to the hospital:
#25 – And when they get a peek of the baby crowning:

#26 – When the doctor is telling you to breathe, and your partner is freaking out, and you are in too much pain to comprehend anything:
#27 — And when it’s all worth it:
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